Registered Charity No. 1022673
Registered Charity No. 1022673
The information charts below are particularly relevant for England and Wales (UK) but contain general points which may be useful elsewhere.
NB: Page 4 below contains a glossary of abbreviations
The links shown on the flowcharts are given in clickable form underneath each flowchart
1. How to get help for Selective Mutism
Links given on page 1 above:
Search for Private Therapist
- Speech & Language Therapy: www.helpwithtalking.com – go to ‘advanced search’, tick the SM button and extend the distance it reports on as support can be done remotely for you
- Psychology: www.achippp.org.uk or www.bps.org.uk
Check that the therapist has SM knowledge and is registered with www.hcpc-uk.co.uk
2. Selective Mutism Therapy
Links given on page 2 above:
SMIRA International Contacts List
3. Learning About Selective Mutism
Links given on page 3 above:
- Learn online, from the Information section on this website
- Join the SMIRA Facebook Group (it’s a closed group so there may be a short wait while we approve your membership request.)
- See NHS Choices – Selective Mutism
Additional Reading
Details and purchase links for all of the books below are on the Books page on this website.
- “Selective Mutism Resource Manual 2nd Edition” (Johnson & Wintgens). Most changes in 2nd Edition are for older people with SM and generalising outside school
- “Tackling Selective Mutism” (Sluckin & Smith, ISBN-13: 978-1849053938, ISBN-10: 1849053936)
- “Can I tell you about Selective Mutism?” (Johnson & Wintgens, ISBN-13: 978-1849052894, ISBN10: 1849052891)
- “Can’t Talk? Want to Talk!” (Jo Levett, ISBN-10: 1909301310,ISBN-13: 978-1909301313)
4. Selective Mutism Information
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