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Welcome to the website of SMIRA
(Selective Mutism Information &
Research Association)
About Selective Mutism
Please take some time to explore the site and learn about Selective Mutism (often referred to as ‘SM’), which can have a distressing effect not only on those with the condition but also on their families.
Can you help to save SMiRA?
Following Covid and the cost-of-living crisis our funds have been depleted, with donations and fundraising dropping to a trickle.
SMiRA is much more than ‘just a facebook group’ or a website, we are the country’s leading SM charity, currently conducting important and much-needed research. In the UK we feed into other communication-based organisations and eventually into Government. Further afield, we have supported new groups in other countries, some where SM may have only recently become recognised, and we are a respected source of information worldwide.
If SMiRA is to survive beyond this year we need to act NOW! Following a crisis meeting of our team, April is now our main month of fundraising, when we hope members will join with us by organising events or pushing for donations.
See our News page for our full statement and how you can help.
Speech Language and Communication Alliance Briefing
SMiRA is part of The Speech Language and Communication Alliance and we have signed up to this letter to lobby government for improved services for children with SLCN. A shorter version and a letter will be available soon which can be sent to MPs. See the document here:
Speech Language & Communication Alliance Briefing doc
SMIRA Teemill Store
The SMIRA Teemill Store is now open for business! Visit for beautiful t-shirts, jumpers, mugs, bags and lots more! We also have Christmas items for sale direct from SMIRA.
Maggie Johnson podcast
A 2-part podcast of Maggie Johnson’s interview on SM with Dr Christie: ‘Understanding Selective Mutism’ is packed with tips and info. Maggie also talks about her new book, ‘The Selective Mutism Workbook for Parents and Professionals’. The podcasts are free to access from our Videos page:
Statement from SMiRA regarding the use of the term ‘Situational Mutism’
SMiRA has had a number of enquiries about whether the term “situational mutism” is now preferred over “Selective Mutism”. We are aware of some grassroots change and some trainers advising the use of ‘situational” as the preferred term.
Below is a statement to clarify our position, as the UK’s national charity for selective mutism.
What is Selective Mutism?
Selective Mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder which prevents those affected from speaking in certain situations, such as at school or in public.
About Us
SMIRA’s team consists mainly of volunteers who all have knowledge of selective mutism, whether as parents, professionals or from their own personal experience.
“It’s so nice to share our journey, all we’ve learned, and ask for support for the newer things we are encountering – it truly is a lifeline”
A range of informative leaflets, available to download and share.
General Information
For Parents
For Teens & Adults
For Professionals
A range of resources to consider for parents and carers or those involved in treating Selective Mutism.
Current list of available training courses – please make enquiries direct to the organiser.

Connect with our team on Facebook
for tips and advice about SM.
Raise money for SMIRA via EasyFundraising:
Movement for Good / Benefact nomination
Please nominate SMiRA for the chance for us to win £1,000! It literally takes seconds and there is no cost.
If you have already voted, no need to do it again as signatures roll over for the full 12 months. We recently won £1000 which is wonderful news, but nominations can continue for the rest of the year so if you haven’t already, please vote! Benefact give 50 x £1k each month, with nominations rolling over throughout the year.
Please click on the banner below to nominate us: