SMIRA receives no Government aid or grant funding and relies solely on members and supporters for funding. All monies received go towards the running of the charity and projects relating to selective mutism. If you would like to support this work, there are a number of ways in which you can donate.
Click here to find out how we spend the money you donate.
Send a Donation
You can send a donation to SMIRA directly using this button:
The link above takes you to our CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) Donations page.
On this page you can add Gift Aid directly to your donation (so it may be an easier option than using the PayPal Gift Aid processing method below).
Send a Donation
You can also send a donation to SMIRA via PayPal using this button:
Via secure PayPal gateway (you don’t need a PayPal account, it also takes credit card or bank account payments)
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate We can reclaim Gift Aid from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer. Please download our Gift Aid form here: PDF version or Microsoft Word version
People’s Fundraising
Set up your own fundraising campaign page for SMiRA, donate to an existing campaign or simply donate and add Gift Aid.
It really is easy to raise money via EasyFundraising:
- Register with Easyfundraising and allocate SMIRA as your chosen charity.
- Click through from the Easyfundraising website when you do your online shopping, and shop as usual.
- EasyFundraising donates a percentage of your shop directly to SMIRA, you don’t need to do anything else.
You can shop and raise money with most major retailers, as well as many utilities providers, travel, insurance, and holiday companies. Participating companies include Boots, M&S, John Lewis, Argos, Ebay, Next, Debenhams, ASOS, Clarks, Tesco, Sainsburys, Gap, Currys, House of Fraser, Flybe, Expedia, Virgin Trains and many many more – typically raising between 1-5% of your bill each time you shop. SUPPORT US NOW
Run a fundraiser for SMiRA
There are many ways you can help raise money for SMiRA. The Charity Digital website has a long list of ideas:
Charity Digital – Topics – 50 incredible fundraising ideas
It is not unusual for businesses to have a fund for supporting charities. You could ask your workplace if they would be willing to match the funds you raise, so doubling the amount, or alternatively give a donation to your fundraiser.
You could also create a social media fundraiser eg Facebook (20+) Facebook
This could be a birthday fundraiser or organised at any time of year just because you would like to support us!
You can also start your own fundraising campaign through Paypal Fundraising or use our platform at CAF Donate, where you can add Gift Aid. If you are eligible for Gift Aid it can top up your donation by 25%!
The link above takes you to our CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) Donations page.
Leave SMiRA a legacy in your will
Even a small legacy could make a big impact on SMiRA’s ability to continue to exist and keep providing information and support to tens of thousands of children and adults with SM, their families and professionals helping them.
It could also make the difference as to whether we can conduct research and other projects in the future to enhance our knowledge and understanding of SM, improve the advice we can give and share this with others. This ultimately can lead to better treatment methods for people with SM and greater awareness.
The UK Government website gives advice on how to make a will:
The link above takes you to the website
Donate in memory
Donate in memory of a loved one or ask other people to give a donation to SMiRA in their memory e.g. in lieu of flowers, or for those of you who never know what you want as gifts for special events ask people to donate to SMiRA instead.
Buy from our Shop!
We have a new Teemill shop with beautiful SMIRA t-shirts, jumpers, mugs, bags and lots more. We also sell lovely Christmas cards, decorations and gifts, with all profits going to SMIRA.

Click here to find out how we spend the money you donate.