Podcast of Maggie Johnson’s interview on SM with Dr Christie: Understanding Selective Mutism
Packed with valuable info and tips on SM. Maggie also talks about her new book, ‘The Selective Mutism Workbook for Parents and Professionals’ (see our Books page for more details on the book).
From Dr Kathy Weston’s Get a Grip! Parenting Podcast from Tooled Up Education.
The links below take you to the Spotify website
Maggie Johnson – Early Years Summit : Understanding and supporting Selective Mutism
We are very pleased to offer the chance to view Maggie Johnson’s speech at the Early Years Summit, where she discusses Selective Mutism in young children.
Maggie Johnson is the co-author of the Selective Mutism Resource Manual.
Click the button below to view the video on Vimeo:
Maggie Johnson – Early Years Summit
The video is approximately 1 hour, 11 minutes long.
SILENT CHILDREN – Approaches to Selective Mutism
Made by SMiRA (Selective Mutism Information and Research Association) in conjunction with the University of Leicester, 2004.
A documentary about Selective Mutism which is often used for training purposes.
Duration: 24 minutes
Availability: Worldwide
- real-life experiences of children with Selective Mutism, with contributions from their parents, therapists and teachers
- expert explanation of what Selective Mutism is and how to tackle it
- footage of Selective Mutism therapy.
Available for purchase to stream or download anytime from Vimeo: £7.00
Time Ticks On
A very powerful poem, written by one of our members who wishes to stay anonymous. Read by Sadiqa Ismail.