General Information
SMIRA Leaflets
What Does Selective Mutism Mean?
Suggestions for Intervention
Where to Get Help with Selective Mutism
Exam Guidance
NHS (UK) Selective Mutism
SMIRA’s Global Links
Leaflets from the Selective Mutism Resource Manual (2nd Edition)
Quiet Child or SM?
Do’s and Don’ts at Pre and Primary School
Do’s and Don’ts at Secondary School
Maintaining Factors
Helping Children Cope with Anxiety
What to Say When
Talking in Public Places
Older Children and Teens
Leaflets authored by parents from their own experiences
What Causes SM (Carmody Factors)
Outgrowing SM – the Myth and the Effect of Change
SM Spaces
Multi-Lingualism and SM
Information for Parents
SMIRA Leaflets
SMIRA Parents Leaflet
Where to Get Help with Selective Mutism
Choosing a School
Changing Schools Guidelines
Tips for Holidays
Summer Holidays – ways to continue progress
Phonics Testing
Leaflets from the Selective Mutism Resource Manual (2nd Edition)
Supporting Children with Selective Mutism – Advice for Parents
Do I answer if someone asks my child a question?
Do’s and Don’ts at Pre and Primary School
Do’s and Don’ts at Secondary School
Easing in Friends and Relatives
Joining a Family where there is an SM Child
Integrating a New Partner into a Family with SM Child
Transition Plan
Planning and Managing Intervention with Small-steps Programmes
The Sliding-in Technique and Progress Charts
Informal Techniques
Leaflets authored by parents from their own experiences
Transition Planning Guidance
Planning a Transition to Secondary School
Transferring Speech to the Classroom and Working towards Generalisation within the School Environment
Advice for Medical Visits
Game Ideas for Sliding In